Minit Shop
The Minit Shop in Crossett has closed its doors. I'm not going to pretend that I went there every day, but it was a very convenient stop when I just needed milk or bread. It is sad to drive by there right now, and I will truly miss it. I'm 42 years old and I honestly cannot remember a time when the Minit Shop was not there. Yeah, you can get an Icee at a lot of places now, but for a LONG time, the only place to get an Icee was the Minit Shop. I don't know any of the reasons behind the closure; if it was because of the new mammoth Wal-Mart and the gas now available there, I will feel somewhat guilty.
So, another icon of my childhood has fallen by the wayside. At least the Minit Shop in Oakhurst is still there, I guess.
Man, that is sad. I can remember exactly the way the Minit Shop always smelled, really distinct. When I was a kid it was a tradition that every Sunday we would stop at the Minit Shop before going to my grandmother's house. I would get a ham & cheese sandwich & dad would get a chili dog. The ham was so good. I haven't had one of those or thought of one in years. Sad.
First Jr Food Mart and now this! I was really disappointed when we lost our pizza rolls from Jr, they were delicious!!
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