Thursday, January 06, 2005

Trying Day

My day yesterday:

We learned that the elderly gentleman who served our pleadings for years passed away. He was an outstanding process server who, frankly, spoiled us; other process servers paled by comparison. Mr. Eddie, you will be sorely missed.

I am in the middle of an agonizing decision regarding a job offer made to me recently; it was quite unexpected. The money is better, but the duties and challenges would be significantly greater, also. I’ve enjoyed relative anonymity the past few years and I prefer that. That would change, also. The challenges don’t intimidate me; I would welcome a bit more of a challenge. The main issue is that I left private practice and took this job so that the 12-14 hour days would end and my children would recognize me. That has happened and it is nice. There have been trade-offs – there are no looming personal injury settlements to look forward to; just a steady paycheck. If I take this job, despite assurances to the contrary, I think the late hours would begin again. I don’t know if I’m willing to do that again while the kids are so young. I will make the decision in a couple of days.

On top of learning of Mr. Eddie’s death and discussing potential new employment, I suddenly find myself essentially being placed in charge of security at our offices in Monticello and McGehee while a violent and troubled teenager is at large in the area. While this isn’t listed in my job duties, it falls in my lap through a combination of sexism (I am one of only two males in the office amidst 28 females) and “wrong place, wrong time” timing.

So, in dealing with grief counseling (and my own grief) at the loss of Mr. Eddie, a job offer, and then frightened co-workers and police officers, how much actual child support enforcement did I accomplish today? Not much.


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