Monday, July 18, 2005

MY reasons for no recent postings:

1. In-laws went on European\Asian cruise, arriving in London the day before the bombings. This activity left in-laws' Hot Springs condo empty and we couldn't let that happen, so we invaded Hot Springs for a week.

2. Took laptop computers with us to keep up with e-mail, etc., and I intended to make the occasional blog post, BUT (a) could only use a dial-up connection which was HORRIBLY slow and (b) I decided that it was not such a good idea to advertise that my home was vacant for a week (even though it was protected by my vicious attack cats).

Had a good week -- went to Magic Springs / Crystal Falls several times; dined at several restaurants; had unlimited use of condo pool; went to see "Fantastic Four" and "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (excellent movie!)"; and used generous birthday gifts to buy new portable 300 gigabyte hard drive - this thing will literally hold thousands of CDs!

Log ride at Magic Springs has a feature where your picture is taken as you make the final plummet (and then you can buy the picture - for $8.50!!!). We started doing "theme" pictures - will try to scan and post our "terror" themed picture. Our "Brady Bunch" theme didn't work out so well.

In what my wife described as a mid-life crisis, I purchased a lemon-juice based substance that, if placed on one's hair and dried by the sun, is supposed to lighten one's hair. I have dark brown hair (with a lot of gray). The stuff worked, but my hair is kind of a burnt orange now. People look at me strangely.

Back at work today and catching up is NO FUN.

Finally: I would almost swear that I saw Blues Traveler's John Popper at Jade's in Hamburg last week.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Cats can get the job done ... well depending on what kind of cat you have

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Gaye said...

Sounds like fun!! And that was a cheap mid-life crisis--at least you didn't drain the bank account on a sports car or somethin...

At 1:43 PM, Blogger fairygirl701 said...

Sounds like you guys have been having fun! Love the theme pics idea, can't wait to see some of them.

I used the "Sun-In" stuff years ago (like 7th grade I think) and it turned my hair an awful rust color. it was horrible!


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