Monday, May 23, 2005


Since I am frustrated about having my submissions to my own band's damned web site rejected by fellow band members, at least I have this outlet. The rejected Top 10 List follows. My proposed band bio was also rejected, apparently because I didn't actually play the role of Grady on "Sanford & Son." The following bad grammar, etc is intentional.......


1. Don’t accept a booking to play outdoors on a lake bank in December.

2. Don’t accidentally invite your wife and your girlfriend to hear you play on the same night.

3. If she looks like she’s got a moustache even in a dark club, then don’t go home with her…..

4. Make sure that the cup you pick up to drink from is your cup and not your guitar player’s spit cup.

5. If someone gives you $100.00 to play "Sweet Home Alabama", chances are they are drunk and will ask you later if they can have it back.

6. If he was really a powerful agent who could make things happen for your band, he wouldn’t be drunk at some dingy bar in Lake Village, Arkansas at two in the morning.

7. Don’t agree to follow a male stripper act. Those women didn’t come to hear you play.

8. No bass solos.

9. If you yell "Show us your tits!", be sure they are tits that you actually want to see.

10. Eating a cigarette will not actually affect the results of a breathalyzer test. Putting a penny under your tongue doesn't work, either.


At 7:33 PM, Blogger fairygirl701 said...

These are hilarious!!!

At 7:36 PM, Blogger ginger said...

I think they are great too! I can just picture some of those! haha

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Gaye said...

Wisdom--comes in all forms, eh? These are too funny!!

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Gaye said...

Paul--went to the band's website--loved the song. I haven't slept in 2 days--will you sing me to sleep? Maybe that will help...

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Gaye said...

Paul--just me buggin ya again--do ya'll have any performances scheduled for the general public any time soon? Would love to hear ya'll...can't believe I've been here for 24 years and have never heard your band--hear you guys are awesome!!!!

At 6:16 PM, Blogger pselby said...

Thanks for validation, folks; maybe I need my own Midnite Sun page. Gaye, I've been away a few days courting, Riverfest-ing, and then back to LR today for meetings, so I just read your question -- other than the upcoming club gig in Monticello, nothing is nailed down. We had to back out of playing the Relay For Life in Crossett Friday since not all of us would be around. There is a possible outdoor gig in conjunction with the Crossett rodeo and there is another possible outdoor gig in Crossett in July. If and when they become "sure things", I'm sure John will post it on the web site. I notice that we seem to have a "Guestbook" now (which is probably asking for all sorts of abuse....)


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