Be it hereby known that tonight, I, at the ripe old age of 41, became a great great uncle - Emma Claire was born tonight at 8:18 p.m. to my great niece and her husband. All are doing well.
In a previous post ("Tribute", back in January), I explained how I have nephews and nieces that are in my approximate age range. One of those nephews had a daughter in 1983; she, in turn, had a daughter tonight.
This makes my mother a great great grandmother, my sister a great grandmother, and my nephew (who is two months younger than me) a grandfather.
I suddenly feel the need for a walker and an AARP card.
To steal Gaye's trademark of ending each post with an applicable song title:
"I'm My Own Grandpa" by Homer & Jethro (or Ray Stevens....)
HAHAHA, well congratulations!!
Good grief that got complicated! Congratulations though--I love the name Emma. I'm computer stupid, but I wish I could figure out how to allow clicking on the song at the end of my posts so you could listen to it while reading. Anybody know how?
That is complicated!
Too many circles and loops for this small mind!
Gaye, you could always link it to a 30 second snippit from amazon?
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