Lettuce and Rollercoasters
I am making a concerted effort to drop from the "morbidly obese" category to the next level down, which I believe is "just really fat." This came about when I was weighed at my doctor's office recently and was truly surprised at the number they gave me.
Dieting doesn't work for me too well in general because I simply don't like and won't eat things that are good for me. I know that sounds petulant and spoiled; that's the way it is. I like very few vegetables, and the ones I do like aren't the ones that are good for me. I've taken a multivitamin every day for years to try to make up for it. I'm in surprisingly good health, or so I am told. Try finding a diet that doesn't include lots of vegetables.
I have been introduced to Lean Cuisines, Healthy Choice meals, etc. They taste okay, but the portion sizes suck -- I'M STILL HUNGRY!
I am eating a LOT of salads. Lettuce was formerly on my list of things I won't eat. I didn't start eating lettuce at all until college, when I got tired of paying for "all you can eat" type meals without getting anything from the salad bars. Of course, I still want bacon, ham, eggs, cheese, etc. piled on top of the lettuce. I AM REALLY, REALLY TIRED OF LETTUCE RIGHT NOW.
I can usually drop 10-15 pounds very quickly when I make the effort, and I seem to have already done that this time. It gets tough after that, so time to hit the long dormant treadmill and exercise bike.
The goal of most people who are trying to lose weight is to lose xxx number of pounds. That isn't my goal -- my goal (and this is tough to admit, but it is theraputic) is to try to reach a level where I am not prevented from riding certain rides at amusement parks because the freaking safety bar won't close all the way with me. That was an eye opener.
Wish me luck.
Haha! good luck paul! I too DESPISE any food that would be good for me or low in calories. I Hate lettuce. It tastes like crunchy water. No taste what so ever. I have as an adult forced myself to start eating salads just so I won't feel uncomfortable at functions when everyone else is eating. The only thing that works for me is to eat only one meal a day. Once I got used to it, it is not too bad. At that one meal I eat whatever I want.
Good luck. I wish I had more willpower myself!
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